Formulate A Winning Presentation guides you through the process of developing meaningful content that delivers comprehension and clarity. It also includes over 50 real-life before and after slides to help you learn design elements that will grip your audience. Best of all is the insider’s view on how some of the industry’s leading dental speakers and consultants approach lectures through their personal stories, tips and lessons.
Compose a talk with impact
A word from the Author
This book is for you, the speaker. Whether you are new or experienced, I hope you will find nuggets you can use on how to write a compelling talk, design presentations for new and existing talks, and succeed in the speaking business. I will leave the podium skills’ training to others and focus solely on the preparation stage of this process.
Everything I teach is connected to knowing our purpose, our “why”. My “why” is about paying forward the mentoring and support I received from some amazing people. I hope this book supports you in your quest to become your very best self.
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