How Publishing Content Boosts Your Credibility As A Thought Leaderby Laura Moriarity

I know most of us didn’t get a degree in journalism and the thought of putting pen to paper is scary. However, if you are trying to break onto the scene as a thought leader in your industry it is a must-do. If you are giving presentations to groups it can help boost your credibility as a leader.
Think about it, which bio holds more authority?
Bio 1: Dr. Smith is one of the best oral surgeons in North Carolina. He is an accomplished surgeon and speaker.
Bio 2: Dr. Smith is one of the best oral surgeons in North Carolina. His work has been published in: Endodontics Today, DenstistryIQ, DentalTown Magazine, Dental Products Report and more. He is an accomplished surgeon, speaker and author.
See the difference? It adds a significant amount of authority to you as a professional. Not only is that, as a thought leader and business person, your online reputation just as important as your in-person reputation. Publishing has a significant impact on your audience’s ability to find you.
Here are some things to consider:
1. 61% of consumers are more likely to buy your services if you are creating custom content.
2. Brands that create 15 blog posts per month average 1,200 new leads per month.
3. Content creation ranks as the single most effective SEO technique.
If you still are not convinced, here is a roundup of successful folks who have tapped into the power of publishing content.
“Great content, written in a digestible way, provides readers with value, and an opportunity to experience your style. Less than 10% of your competitors take the time to hone writing skills – let that be your advantage!”
Vicki McManus Peterson
CEO Productive Dentist Academy
“Links2success has grown over 30% due to partnering with a good editor to help get my content published. Growth was one important goal, but what is better is the publicity of my information has given thousands of patients the ability to have trained team members who are able to provide diagnostic tests and allow patients who are able to utilize medical benefits are now able to do so. Amazing.”
Christine Taxin
President, Links2Success
“Being published is always great for your practice and for you professionally. Many new patients find me via the internet, the more exposure you have the more likely they will find you. The more you are published the more credibility it gives you as a leader in the profession.”
Dr. V. Kim Kutsch
Finally, here is what Kevin Henry, who spends his day gathering quality content for publications such as has to say:
“Publishing an article establishes you as a knowledgable person in that field. I know of several authors who have received consulting work as a result of an article that they published through our magazines and newsletters. Dentists are often looking for answers to some of their toughest problems by reading articles in our publications. When they like what an author has to say and some of the advice that is given, they will often follow up with the author for more information.”
Kevin Henry
Group Editorial Director
UBM Medica Dental Division
If you have zero experience in writing articles, Remin Media is a great place to start. Our editorial team takes extra time with new authors to hone skills and get their content 100% amazing.
Laura Moriarity is the Editor of ReminMedia. She is also the Editor and project manager at WellPut Custom Content and Design. She has published with SheKnows, ReminMedia, ScaryMommy and many major dental publications on behalf of her clients. She lives in Washington State.